Reference value
๐ท๏ธ Javascript
Javascript has 2 kinds of variable types: primitive and refence
When declaring a variable, Javascript engine allocates the memory for them on stack and heap
Static data includes primitive types and reference values to objects. Its size is fixed at compile time. Javascript stores memory space of the static data on the stack
Javascript stores array, object and function on the heap. These objects donโt have fixed amount of memory
Javascript creates a new object on the heap and link the object to the variable on the stack
You can add, change, and delete properties of a reference value
When assigning a primitive value from a variable to another, Javascript creates a copy of that value and assigns it to the new variable. If you change the value of one variable, it wonโt affect the other
When assigning a reference value from a variable to another, Javascript create a reference. This means two variables refer to the same object on the heap. If you change one variable, it will affects the other